Barbara Claes (°1983) was awarded a Master in Drama at the Rits, Erasmus College Brussels (2010). It was there that the following productions first saw the light of day: “Nimmermeer” [Never Again Lake] (The Moon Company, in co-production with Abattoir Fermé) and “A l’attente du livre d’or” [While Waiting for the Golden Book (Campo and KVS). Both pieces were nominated for Het Theaterfestival [The Theatre Festival]. Together with her sister, Stefanie Claes she created “Maar de wolven die leven nog” [Only the Wolves Survived] (for the Batard Festival) and “De Bottekes” [The Little Boots], in cooperation Maria Boodschaplyceum and Triomff at TAZ [Ostend Theatre Festival] where Stefanie Claes won the Youth Prize. She also directed “De Bultenklacht” [The Hunchback’s Lament/Complaint[POF1] ], a work in four phases, including a concert by the bourgeoisie, a work in collaboration with the pupils from Siso Marco Polo, a piece involving a group of psychiatric patients, created in collaboration with de Figuranten in Menen and a performance at the Monty in Antwerp.
Together with Stefanie Claes and Simon Allemeersch, she was nominated for “Het Fantastische leven van de heilige Sint Christoffel zoals samengevat in twaalf taferelen en drie liederen” [The Fantastic Life of Holy Saint Christopher as summarized in Twelve Scenes and Three Songs] for Het Theaterfestival and circuit X (2011), for which they were awarded the Roel Verniersprijs [Roel Vernier Prize]. In cooperation with the Scheld’apen and the Theatermaker, she wrote
Akaaremoertoe Bahikoeroe[POF2] (2013) a play for twelve actors. Barbara works as an actress, performer, writer and playwright. In her work, she brings together a profound love of poetry, puppets and self-made objects, spoken word, imaginary landscapes, folly, fantasy and languages. B